West End Truck Fill Station
The potable water bottle fill station is now open at the West End Truck Fill Station. Accounts set up for bulk water may also be used at the bottle fill.
The West End Truck Fill Station is open to both residential customers (self-haulers) and commercial water haulers.
We have heard concerns that the residential dispensing pipe does not extend to the customer’s water tank. While other water stations may have a swivel-mounted dispensing pipe that allows the pipe to be lowered into the water tank, Alberta Environment guidelines require that an air gap be maintained. This will prevent cross-contamination between the dispensing pipe and the water tank.
To bridge the gap and ensure a smooth flow of water from the hose to the tank, customers are encouraged to bring along a 5’ - 6’ length of ABS or PVC pipe with a short length of threaded rod to support the extension pipe at the water tank. Click here for pictures of a sample set-up.
The Highway 14 Regional Water Services Commission is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Truck Fill Station. For information and to open an account for bulk water purchase, please contact the Commission Office at 780-663-2019. The Office is located at 5029 – 51st Avenue in Ryley.