Soil Health
Soil Testing:
Did you know that it is recommended that agricultural crop producers test their soil annually? By testing your soil, you can determine proper fertilizer rates which can reduce the potential for run-off and can save you cost overruns on your fertilizer applications. Soil labs are located across the Province:
Soil Information Viewer
The Alberta Soil Information Viewer Can be used to determine the soil type, health, and land suitability rating. For more information, please see the Alberta Soil Information Viewer webpage.
Soil Erosion
Soil Erosion:
Under the Soil Conservation Act, landholders are responsible for preventing soil loss and deterioration from taking place and to stop loss or deterioration from continuing. Methods such as no-till farming, permanent cropping, and establishment of shelterbelts are just some ways landowners can reduce the likelihood of soil erosion.
Local municipalities are designated under the Soil Conservation Act as the local authority to monitor for, and if necessary, conduct enforcement under this Act. If you have a soil erosion concern, contact the Agricultural Services team at 780-663-3730.
For more information on Soil Health, refer to the Soil Health Management Resources webpage from Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation.