Weeds and Trees


Vegetation Management Program 2025

As part of Beaver County’s roadside maintenance program, the removal of trees, brush, and regulated weed species within Beaver County road allowances takes place yearly from May through October. The 2025 program will consist of: 

  • Spot herbicide applications will be conducted within all divisions to control tree and brush regrowth within County road allowances (Focused efforts in Division 5).
  • Blanket Spraying will be conducted within Divisions 1 & 2
  • Mechanical roadside brush control efforts will be conducted throughout the county. The mechanical removal and clearing of trees from County road allowances is targeted at improving traffic safety and machinery movement, eliminating areas prone to trapping in the winter months and improving sightlines at intersections and yard sites.
  • Weed Inspections will be conducted throughout the county.

For information regarding weed control, brush control, and haying along provincial primary and secondary highways please contact Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors at 310-0000.

For more information regarding the Beaver County Vegetation Management Program, or service requests related to vegetation management, please contact Jonathan Culbert, Agricultural Fieldman at 780-663-3730. 

Do Not Spray Program

Do Not Spray Agreements are available to landowners/occupants who wish to be exempt from the application of herbicides along the roadside ditches adjacent to their land. 

Details of the Do Not Spray program include:

  • Agreements must be signed on an annual basis and returned to the County by May 1, of each year.
  • The County will provide Do Not Spray sign(s), at a cost-recovery fee, that must be erected by the landowner/occupant in a highly visible location along the Do Not Spray zone.
  • Landowners/Occupants who enter into a Do Not Sray agreement are expected to manage the weeds and brush in their designated Do Not Spray zone.
  • The County will inspect designated Do Not Spray zones throughout July and August of each year.  If a Do Not Spray zone does not meet the requirements of the agreement, the County will conduct the remedial work at its discretion, and the Do Not Spray signs will be removed.

To enter a Do Not Spray agreement with the County, please contact the Agricultural Services Department at (780) 663-3730. More information on the County’s Do Not Spray program can be found in the County’s Weed Control Policy. 

For inquiries related to herbicide applications on Provincial highways, contact Emcon Services Inc. At (780) 449-0502. 

Roadside Weed Control

Beaver County recognizes that road allowances serve as a pathway for the movement of Noxious and Prohibited Noxious weeds around the County.  It is for this reason that Beaver County applies herbicides, mows, and seeds its roadside ditches to control and stop the spread of invasive plants through the County.

Beaver County has adopted a Weed Control Policy to remedy weed problems within the County.  Each year Beaver County sprays approximately one-third of its road allowances to control weeds along roadsides.  This is done on a rotational basis throughout the County.   

Please bear in mind that Beaver County is not responsible for the maintenance of primary and secondary highways which run through the County. To report problems along provincial highways please contact the local Alberta Transportation & Economic Corridors office or the local Contract Manager – Emcon Services  

Weed Inspections

Each year, to fulfill its duties under the Alberta Weed Control Act, Beaver County conducts weed inspections across the county for Prohibited Noxious and Noxious Weeds. Species designated as Prohibited Noxious in the Weed Control Act must be destroyed, whereas species designated as Noxious, must only be controlled through the restriction of its spread. 

Beaver County takes a proactive approach to invasive plant management by always educating landowners on the importance of invasive species control prior to the implementation of any enforcement notices. However, the Weed Control Act states that the control of invasive species is the responsibility of the landowner. Therefore, if a landowner is deemed to be non-compliant under the Weed Control Act, a Weed Notice may be issued by the County. 

A small Custom Herbicide Application service is available to landowners to aid with the control of invasive plant species and woody vegetation. This service is charged at cost recovery. The County limits Custom Herbicide Applications to 5 acres; for the management of infestations larger than 5 acres, a private contractor will need to be hired by the landowner. 

For questions regarding invasive species identification and management, please contact Jonathan Culbert, Agricultural Fieldman, at 780-663-3730.

There are various species of Weeds that are distributed across the County. For further details on identification and control tactics of weeds found within Beaver County, please contact Jonny Culbert, Agricultural Fieldman at 780-663-3730 or refer the factsheets from the Alberta Invasive Species Council below: 

Please note, the species listed are only those that have been confirmed to be within the County. For a full list of species listed in the Weed Control Act, please refer to the Government of Alberta's Provincially Regulated Weeds webpage. 

Tree Management

Beaver County will remove problem trees and shrubs within County road allowances which inhibit road maintenance operations, compromise the integrity of the road surface, reduce visibility, and pose a risk to overall traffic safety.  The County utilizes a combination of mechanical and herbicide control methods to control trees and shrubs within County roadways as stated in the County’s Roadside Brush Control Policy. 

Beaver County will also remove trees and shrubs from private land near intersections within the County. The County will not remove trees on private land until a written agreement is obtained from the landowner. The County actively seeks to obtain agreements and aims to work proactively with landowners in order to improve sightlines and traffic safety for County residents and visitors of the County. 

Tree Health Check

Got a problem with trees on your property? Whether it’s stunted growth, unusual pests, or odd-looking foliage. Check out our Tree Health Check program.