Bridge Weight Restrictions

Bridge Weight Restrictions

The County conducts inspections on over 150 bridge structures (large culverts and bridges).  The inspections are reviewed by Alberta Transportation and recommendations are made for improvements.

Alberta Transportation has recommended that the County impose weight restrictions on four of our bridge structures.  The restrictions are required for safety reasons because of various degradation of the bridge sub-structures, due to the age of the structures.

The following weight restrictions are in effect once posted.


5 Tonne Weight Restrictions

Bridge #08762 on Township Road 494, south of Highway 14 and east of Range Road 165 (undeveloped road).


10 Tonne Weight Restrictions 

Bridge #01468 located on TWP RD 492 approximately ¼ mile west of HWY 834 has temporarily been reduced to 10 Tonne weight restriction.  Road users must adjust their loads to meet the weight restriction or use an alternate route. (Temporary as of December 2023)


15 Tonne Weight Restrictions

Bridge #01054 on Township Road 464, east of Range Road 140 (near Town of Viking's water storage).

Road users must adjust their loads to meet the weight restriction or use an alternate route.


These weight restrictions will remain in effect until further notice.

