Road Bans in Effect

Road Ban Order: 02-2025

Pursuant to the Traffic Safety Act the County hereby orders that effective March 18, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.

The following percentage axle weights of public vehicles apply on the following roads:


Type of Road


Axle Weight

Gravel Roads



*Paved Roads




RGE RD 205 between TWP RD 510 to County Border


*Chip Sealed Roads




TWP RD 490 between RGE RD 124 and RGE RD 120



RGE RD 120 from TWP 490 NORTH 1 MILE



RGE RD 132 between TWP RD 482 and Parrish
and Heimbecker NORTH entrance



TWP RD 482 between RGE RD 132 to HWY 36





*Denotes changes

For information on roads under Provincial Jurisdiction, click here.

Protect our roads. Lighten your loads.

Road bans protect the safety and integrity of our roads. When the ground thaws, roads are more vulnerable to damage from heavy vehicles. To prevent this, vehicles are required to reduce their axle weight to 75% on most gravel roads and 50% for most oiled roads.

Road Weight Restrictions

The roads that have weight restrictions in rural Beaver County cannot withstand heavy or sustained loads and must be protected. Rural roads that allow loads at 100% axle weight during the summer, fall, and winter seasons change to 75% during Spring Road Bans.

What are posted axle weights?
Posted axle weights are the weight restrictions for vehicles that lower the maximum legal registered permitted weight placed on a road. This protects the infrastructure from damage.

What is overweight?
Overweight is defined as the weight on an axle or axle group, or total gross weight, being more than that allowed under the Traffic Safety Act. More information on axle weights can be obtained from Provincial Highways at 1-888-255-5554.

When are road bans in effect?
Road ban dates depend on road and weather conditions, approximately March - June for Spring Road Bans 
(75% on most gravel roads and paved roads and 50% for most oiled roads).

Can I still haul during road bans?
The County’s Road Use Policy defines expectations for road users and the public with regard to heavy trucks using County roads. In some cases these users will be required to enter into a Road Use Agreement.

Frequent haul users who incur more than four trips per hour in any two-hour period or ten or more trips per day will require a Road Use Agreement for all hauling within the County 24 to 48 hours prior to the commencement of the haul.

In Beaver County, frequent haulers exist in the commercial, industrial and oil sectors, and the agricultural sector (i.e. manure, chemical/fertilizer, water).

To enter into a Road Use Agreement with the County, please contact Roadata Services at 1-888-444-9288.

Notwithstanding the existence of any Road Use Agreement, or in exceptional circumstances, Beaver County reserves the right to recover costs related to road damage.

Further information:

For further information, please call Roadata Services at 1-888-444-9288 or Beaver County 1-866-663-1333.