Road Use

Beaver County is committed to preserving its road infrastructure in order to protect the safety of all road users and minimize publically funded maintenance.
The County’s Road Use Policy defines expectations for road users and the public with regard to heavy trucks using County roads. In some cases these users will be required to enter into a Road Use Agreement.
Frequent haul users who incur more than four trips per hour in any two-hour period or ten or more trips per day will require a Road Use Agreement for all hauling within the County 24 to 48 hours prior to the commencement of the haul.
In Beaver County, frequent haulers exist in the commercial, industrial and oil sectors, and the agricultural sector (i.e. manure, chemical/fertilizer, water).
To enter into a Road Use Agreement with the County, please contact Roadata Services at 1-888-444-9288.
Notwithstanding the existence of any Road Use Agreement, or in exceptional circumstances, Beaver County reserves the right to recover costs related to road damage.
Dust Control
Beaver County may also require that Agricultural and Commercial/Industrial/Oilfield traffic apply dust control to roads used. When damp conditions exist, or in remote areas where dust does not impact residents or safety, this requirement may be waived by the County.
Road Bans
The County uses road bans, including annual spring road bans, to protect roads. During a road ban, no person shall operate on a County road (or other thoroughfare) a vehicle or vehicle and cargo which exceeds the maximum percentage axle weight allowance for the carrying axles of the vehicle without obtaining permission from the County.
More Information
Allowable Weight Restrictions for Commercial Vehicles
For more information, please contact Beaver County at 780-663-3730 or email infrastructure via our contact form.