The plan is the result of a process to create ONE plan – a clear direction forward for the County that integrates existing plans and documents:
- Community Economic Development Strategy
- Municipal Development Plan
- Recreation and Culture Services Master Plan
- Council Strategic Priorities
A 37-person Steering Committee comprised of a cross-section of County residents and led by County Council met in three workshop settings to brainstorm strategic direction. A regional Community Survey, generating 198 responses from County residents, served as a foundation for the direction of this Plan. The survey included responses from residents of the Towns of Tofield and Viking, and the Villages of Ryley and Holden – who will be very important to the County as communities increasingly collaborate to achieve success. County staff feedback was acquired in late stages of plan creation.
- The result is a holistic Plan that aims to balance and integrate five key community building pillars: Economic Prosperity
- Environment Stewardship
- Social Conscience,
- Governance Leadership,
- Fiscal Responsibility.
The Plan will help Council develop Strategic Plans and inform individual decisions to move the Vision forward.